End of Year Wrap-Up: Lists of 25

2022 has had its foot on my family’s neck, but God’s grace is still ever present, and for that, I’m grateful. Due to that gratefulness, let’s talk about wrapping this year up, throwing it away, and moving on to a new year, new goals, new habits, and an expanded mindset.

Every year during the last two weeks of the year, I set aside a day to plan out the following year. I kick off the planning day with meditation to center myself, a passage from the Bible, and a great workout to get the endorphins jumping. I get back home and cook a southern-style breakfast (because I’m a country boy) that’s not too heavy, so I don’t sleep the next few hours away.

Every year I make my infamous ‘Lists of 25.’ The top 25 goals I want to achieve, the 25 places I want to visit, and the 25 books I want to read. I officially cross off the completed items from each list and see which ones I need to carry over to the following next year. It’s OK if you didn’t achieve a few or many. The purpose is growth, mindset expansion, and getting closer to fulfilling your purpose. Whether leaps or baby steps, be proud of your progress.

Though I consider myself pretty disciplined, I still enlist accountability partners to make the same lists. We work together, sometimes intentionally, sometimes not. But the primary purpose is support.

So, make your infamous “Lists of 25.” Make them grand, make them extravagant, make them a reality. Whatever goals you’re thinking about while reading this…they are too small. Think BIGGER! Scare yourself if you must. If your goal is to get out of debt, I ask that you plan to not only get out of debt but triple your savings and investments. Don’t settle for “comfortable” or “just enough.”

Let me close by highlighting these suggestions:

  • Make your lists, and be bolder than you’ve ever been

  • Enlist a few accountability partners and have them make lists as well

  • Support each other as life happens. Know when they need a hug or a kick in the butt

#ACreativeCreating #JustinKey #Blog #ListsOf25

December 12, 2022

Justin Key

Justin Key is a Los Angeles-based actor, author, content creator, and speaker.


The Miseducation of the Creative: Content Is No Longer King


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