Academia Meets Entertainment: Crafting a Bold New Narrative

Completing my doctorate in business administration from Indiana Wesleyan University was a journey I never envisioned taking. As an actor and creative in Hollywood, pursuing such an academic path didn't initially cross my mind. Yet, fate had a different plan for me. This journey was not without its challenges—grappling with systems, beliefs, and ideals that seemed at odds with my values. Higher education, a realm that promises to champion the arts and creativity, often acts as their jailer. But as a creative, I am determined to break free from these chains.

The experience has made me a stronger creative. I've seen firsthand how conformity and acceptance can stifle creativity, masquerading as growth and expanding one's worldview. Despite speaking the language and knowing the rules, I never accepted them without question. There is a higher purpose, one I may not fully understand yet, but I'm confident I am on the right path.

My curiosity has grown throughout this journey, and my fearlessness has soared. My tolerance for meaningless bureaucracy has diminished. I'm no longer content with what is handed to me; I now demand what is rightfully mine. Toni Morrison's wisdom guides me: my real job is to use my freedom to free others and to use my power to empower others. This life isn't about selfish desires; it's about how many people you can help within reason and purpose before you leave this earth.

One of the more challenging things I'll face is the notion that extroversion equates to success in the entertainment industry. My time in school has helped develop my introverted side, a trait I've grown to appreciate. I'm in no rush to attend every screening, film premiere, or Hollywood event just to be seen and heard. While "out of sight, out of mind" may hold some truth, I will be strategic about where I invest my time, who I interact with, and which projects I commit to. Playing by my own rules with the flexibility to pivot is my new approach, and I'm ready to take on the industry in my own way.

I'm excited about the art I'll create, the books I'll write, the places I'll explore, and the love I'll share. These experiences will shape my legacy on this earth. When I stand before God at the end of my life, I hope to say, like Erma Bombeck, "I used everything you gave me." This is the kind of daring and humbling journey I am proud to undertake.

#CreativeRevolution #BreakingBoundaries #AcademicJourney #BoldNewNarrative #EntertainmentDisruption #FearlessLegacy #InnovativeMindset #DrJustinKey

Justin Key

Justin Key is a Los Angeles-based actor, author, content creator, and speaker.

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